As parents we all want the best for our children: we want them to be happy, confident and have the skills necessary to create relationships. One of the best ways to enhance these relationships is through play. At this stage playing is not just a matter of having fun: it is a vital part of their development.
Learning to Communicate
When playing together, children learn how to express their thoughts, taking turns when speaking and listening to others. It really does not matter what game they’re playing: building a tower, playing pretend, etc. They are constantly mastering their communication skills that will help them in school and beyond.

Understanding Emotions
When children are playing, they experience many different emotions: happiness, excitement, frustration, disappointment, etc. That is why playing with friends teaches them how to manage these feelings and emotions and even understand the emotions of others. They achieve all and at the same time they develop empathy.

Developing Cooperation and Teamwork
Many games require children to work together, share toys, and follow rules. This is an opportunity to teach them patience, problem-solving, and cooperation. These skills will be highly beneficial throughout their lives.

Building Confidence and Independence
When they start playing with their peers, they become increasingly more independent from adults. They learn to solve problems, make decisions, etc. This independence is essential for their personal growth.

Playing is the natural way children have to communicate. Through play they build strong, healthy relationships. By encouraging play with classmates, we help them develop different life skills while having lots of fun.