The “Blue Mango Theatre” came to our school!!!
We were very excited to see the show: “Will it surprise us as always?”
The Blue Mango Company employs professional actors. They come from English-speaking countries and they offer a great theatre experience to non-native spectators.

They offer works adapted to the different stages, levels and interests of the students. But what is really important is that there are always puppets, songs and a lot of comedy for us to enjoy.
The two shows were:
This was the classic story of three little pigs.

Through music and comedy, we met three very different little pigs, Lucy, Ben and Tom, and their archenemy Wolfie Brown.
The vocabulary included clothing, colours, animals and parts of the house.

When grandma cooked a gingerbread man, she didn’t expect it to come alive and escape. With this comic and interactive show, you were able to accompany the gingerbread man in an adventure where he tried to be more skilled than all the animals he encountered and who wanted to eat it.
They learnt the benefits of good manners and of being kind to those around you. Vocabulary included animals, food, cooking verbs, and body parts.
Our school and The Blue Mango Theatre Company have the same objective – to make learning English a fun, participatory and an enriching experience.
And we achieved it! One year more the children had sung, laughed and above all they had taken part spontaneously.