In these sessions we learn how to tell a story in this new language that we call “English”. These stories represent different situations that can happen in our family or between our friends or classmates. They are funny but at the same time real stories. We live them with emotion and curiosity.

These stories are dialogues between two characters and at the beginning of the session, the teacher represents all of them without any visual support. She uses the same expression and body gesture for each character, which makes us easy to memorise them. Afterwards, we are the ones who represent these dialogues and we have a lot of fun.

Then, we start to work with flashcards, games … And finally we represent the story in our “Puppet Theatre”, which will be taken at home to tell the story to our parents.
In these stories we can find a connection with the projects we are working in class. What we learn helps us to establish dialogues in other situations, such as with our classmates in the school or our friends in our neighbourhood.